1 stem scaffold wheels
1 stem scaffold wheels

Yellow indicates the base plate part which was modeled using Coot. The colors of different regions indicate the modeling methods. c The composite cryo-EM map of the N-DRC and DMT. b Longitudinal view of the 96-nm repeating unit of a DMT and its adjacent DMT connected by the N-DRC (yellow).

1 stem scaffold wheels

As a result, the N-DRC converts dynein-generated sliding motion into ciliary bending motion.Ī Cross-sectional view of a cilium. The N-DRC bridges neighboring DMTs and restricts sliding motions between DMTs. Each 96-nm repeating unit contains four units of ODAs (two or three-headed, depending on the organism), one two-headed IDA (dynein I1/f), and six distinct single-headed IDAs (dyneins a–g) with different mechanical properties 3. ODAs generate high ciliary beat frequency, while IDAs control the cilia’s bending shape 9, 10. Dynein arms are A-tubule-docked molecular motors that generate sliding force between DMTs 6, 7, 8. Each DMT is composed of multiple repeating 96-nm units comprising identical sets of axonemal complexes such as outer and inner dynein arms (ODAs and IDAs), radial spokes and a nexin-dynein regulatory complex (N-DRC) 2, 3, 4, 5 (Fig. It is a bundle of nine doublet microtubules (DMTs) composed of A- and B-tubules surrounding two singlet microtubules known as the central apparatus (Fig.

1 stem scaffold wheels

The motile cilium has a highly conserved core axial cytoskeleton called the axoneme.

1 stem scaffold wheels

Ciliary motility has a critical role in the clearance of foreign particles from the respiratory system, establishment of the left-right asymmetry of the visceral body organs, development, and maintenance of the spinal cord, development and composition of the brain ventricular system, and fertilization in the reproductive tract 1. Cilia are microscopic hair-like protrusions that extend from the surface of eukaryotic cells and are responsible for cell motility, sensory functions, and signaling.

1 stem scaffold wheels